Premium Bisnis Startup AP3 (PBSAP3)

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$170 (Rp 1.700.000,-)/tahun

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Info lebih lanjut

Sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap pelestarian lingkungan berkelanjutan, dalam Program Carbon Offset melalui penanaman benih pohon dan permainan yg menghasilkan benih.

Join eFOREST+ B.O.M Asia

Every Tuesday at 7PM WIB.

eForest+, The most meaningful game ON EARTH

Discover the impactful game that addresses global environmental and economic issues. With rising CO² emissions and deforestation, the world faces a climate crisis. Simultaneously, economic struggles like inflation and currency devaluation burden many.

How does eFOREST+ help?

🌏 Environmental: Purchase seed packages to plant trees that aid struggling communities and improve the environment.

βš– Economic: Engage in the "Play-To-Earn" game, experiencing an average daily growth of 0.3% and potential returns of up to 300%.

πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘¦‍πŸ‘¦ Community: More trees mean better livelihoods, economic growth, and improved living conditions for communities.

πŸ‘‰Ready to learn more? Register for the BOM meeting here:

⏰ Date and Time:
Every Tuesday

**Spread the word and invite your friends and family to join the eForest+ movement!

Anda dapat berpartisipasi dalam program tersebut hanya mulai 100 USDT menjadi 1 (satu) Pohon Cinta dan 20 pohon Bumi bersama EForest (, sebagai upaya mengurangi emisi karbon di bumi bersama kami.

Bisnis Partner Anda

  • Username: eforest
  • Nama Lengkap: indrayani
  • Email:
  • Telp: 089676555888
  • Website: Eforest Startup